Sunday, 17 March 2019

Types of Civilization

We as human believe that 10-20 billion yrs ago due to the big bang, the universe got the form as we are witnessing it today. We got our sun, planets, moon, stars all are part of our universe. There are many universes which can't be seen by naked eyes. Thousands of year passed, as human, we have grown too far with science. Many people are searching for the planet which will have an atmosphere as earth and human can live there because the way we have progressed, we did never think about consequences that may bother us in near future. A scientist has found some stars which are similar to earth and the nearest star is about 4.3 light years away from us named "Alpha Century". It is very far, we have developed but not that enough to reach this far distance because it will take around 2 centuries to reach there. The scientist is working hard to get enough speed as a light year but its gonna take some while.

One day humans have to leave earth due to its unsurvivability in future but in search of living star we are forgetting the fact that we may get other living civilization about whom we know nothing, they may have more advanced than us. We surely for now know nothing.

Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev has proposed Three Types of Civilizations

1. Type 1 Civilization (Planetary)
These civilizations are able to harness a utilize all the energy that reaches the planet and the energy it can produce. According to theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, type 1 civilization should be able to influence the weather, control volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, influence global flora and fauna. It must also masters space travel to reflect space debris within that time frame which we can not.

2. Type 2 Civilization (Stellaris)
This civilization becomes interplanetary, getting energy from the stars is not an easy process to do that we will have to build a megastructure called Dyson Sphere, it must completely enclose a star and capture all of its energy. To reach to type 2 civilizations humans will take 3200 years.

3. Type 3 Civilization (Galactic)
This civilization can harness the energy from the entire galaxy, It is about 1000,000 to 1 million years more advanced than us. We can't even imagine the level of Technological advancement development and nothing is known to science that is capable of destroying type 3 civilization.

As above, we stand nowhere against them. We can not deny that if we ever try to live earth and go to another star for survival and if we meet any of above civilization, how we gonna react then.
We just can think that we are alone until and unless we meet any of them.

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