What do you think of artificial intelligence?
You all have seen in movies, robots are able to talk, think, have emotions, and make decisions just like humans.
The father of the field John McCarthy described artificial intelligence as any task performed by a program or machine that if a human carried out by the same activity, we would say the human had to apply intelligence to accomplish the task. In a simple word, we can say that machine having a human brain.
examples are speech recognition, decision making, and translation between languages, Visualizations.
Real life AI examples:
1.Self Driving Cars
2.Boston Dynamics
3.Navigation System
4.ASIMO(a humanoid robot which can simulate the motions of the human body)
6.Human vs Computer Games
many more.
There are two categories in AI
Machines with weak Artificial Intelligence are made to respond to the specific situation, but can not think for themselves.
Example: Siri.

A machine with a strong AI is able to act and think just like a human. It is able to learn from experiences.
Example: Sophia, Alpha go.

Machine Learning:
An application of AI that gives machines the ability to Automatically learn and improve from the experiences without the help of humans or new programming.
How to determine the level of intelligence of computer?
In the 1950s Alan Turing created the Turing Test which is used to determine the level of intelligence of a machine.
In the Turing Test, there is one interrogator, one person, and a machine in a room with separate rooms. Interrogator asks a question to the person and machine. If the interrogator is unable to recognize the machine then the machine is said to pass the Turing test.
The Future of AI:
2.The perfect lawyer
Benefits of AI:
2.Dangerous Workspaces
3.Car Accident
4.Natural Disaster
and AI also Making life easier by helping with tasks such as: